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Websites related to energy justice/energy citizenship/energy communities
AFIEGO – African Institute for Energy Governance: https://www.afiego.org/
AFIEGO undertakes public policy research and advocacy to influence energy policies to benefit the poor and vulnerable. Based in Kampala-Uganda, the non-profit company was born out of the need to contribute to efforts to turn Africa’s clean energy potential into reality and to ensure benefits for all sectors of society
Alliance for Rural Electrification: https://www.ruralelec.org/
The Alliance for Rural Electrification is an international business association, promoting sustainable, decentralised energy provision for the 21st Century. Based in Brussels, their work focuses on both stand-alone systems and mini-grids, across a range of renewable energy technologies and associated technologies.
Climate Litigation Database: https://climaterightsdatabase.com/
This database collects litigation on human rights and climate change worldwide. It is maintained by the researchers of the Climate Rights and Remedies (CRRP) project at the University of Zurich. Project link: https://www.climaterights.uzh.ch/en.html
Energy prosumers: https://energy-democracy.org/
“Prosumer”-focused advocacy group. Transition goal is from passive consumers of centrally, large-scale generated electricity and heat to more active players. House owners or tenants in a multi-unit dwellings – all consumers dispose of a portfolio of valuable goods enabling and empowering them to participate and collaborate on the energy market. Big data focus.
Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities: https://ec2project.eu/
Law, economics and psychology research for decentralised energy supply and demand management: new energy systems, participatory governance. Gathering insights from the fields of law, economics and psychology, EC² will provide answers on how to facilitate and strengthen energy citizenship.
European Commission Energy Communities Repository: https://energy-communities-repository.ec.europa.eu/index_en
Launched in April 2022, the objective of the Energy Communities Repository is to assist local actors and citizens willing to set up a Citizens Energy Community or a Renewable Energy Community in urban areas through technical and administrative advice, and encourage their development.
European Commission Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub: https://rural-energy-community-hub.ec.europa.eu/index_en
The Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub was launched in June 2022. It focuses on assisting citizens, rural actors and local authorities in setting up a Citizen Energy Community or Renewable Energy Community in rural areas through technical and administrative advice, and encourage their development.
Front commun pour la transition énergétique: https://www.pourlatransitionenergetique.org/
Le Front commun pour la transition énergétique regroupe des organisations qui contribuent à l’élaboration collective et à la mise en oeuvre d’une transition énergétique structurante et porteuse de justice sociale.
[GCRF] Community Energy and the Sustainable Energy Transition in Ethiopia, Malawi & Mozambique: https://cesetproject.com/community-energy-systems-and-sustainable-energy-transitions-ethiopia-malawi-and-mozambique-ceset
CESET is a three-year research programme exploring how communities can support just energy transitions in East Africa. The project focuses on diversity: diversity of models of community energy and diversity of communities that engage in renewable energy projects.
GRETA Project: https://projectgreta.eu/project/
GRETA studies the social side of the energy transition. We want to understand how energy citizenship works in different contexts and geographical levels. What kind of knowledge, social structures, technology or financial resources are needed to make an active energy citizen?
Groundwork – Environmental Justice Action: https://groundwork.org.za/
Groundwork is a non-profit environmental justice organisation based in and primarily focused on South Africa, with active campaigns in the areas of climate & energy justice, coal, environmental health, global green & healthy hospitals and waste, as well as offering training for future generations of activists and practitioners
Institut de la Fracophonie pour le Développment Durable: https://www.ifdd.francophonie.org/
Based in Québec, Canada, the IFDD is a subsidiary of l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), with a mission to coordinate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, energy transitions and environmental protection in the world’s Francophone nations.
LCEDN – Low Carbon Energy for Development Network: https://www.lcedn.com/
Founded in 2012 and centred around hubs at the Durham Energy Institute and Loughborough University, on behalf of the Midlands Energy Consortium, the LCEDN brings together practitioners, policy-makers, researchers and the private sector to collaborate on issues relating to low-carbon energy for development